So for just about every day of her middle school years I've taken her to school. Before that it was her brother that was driven every day. So when she graduated from middle school last year I knew she could start taking the bus to high school since it's on the other side of the city. That meant I would not have to get up and take her every morning - I could sleep in a little bit longer during the school year!
Turns out she didn't like riding the bus to school. Evidently it's too crowded. So she ended up finding some friends that could pick her up. However due to the event that happened several weeks ago, that practice stopped. So, once again I find myself taking my daughter to school every day since the morning bus isn't appealing.
At first, I really resented this. I was enjoying being able to sleep later. I did recognize that she's only got a few months left in the school year. I also realized that taking her gave me the opportunity to talk with her a bit, even if it's just for a short hop across town. Now I'm enjoying those morning rides more and the time we get to talk, however briefly. She's growing up to be such a beautiful young woman. She's still got that wild-eyed youth look to her but there are times that I can see a more sophisticated lady underneath.
So for another year or so I'll take her. At some point soon she'll be able to drive and transportation will be one less thing she needs from me. She'll be driving herself and those short morning chats will be a faded but cherished memory.
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